
Behind the scenes of our Glasses for Classes Programme

Glasses ready to go

After crossing the finishing line of a 50km XNRG Ultra in aid of HD Will Luff didn’t stop to celebrate, instead he found Nick (HD’s founder) and told him he could work with us to set up an eye-test programme. Since then the ’Glasses for Classes’ programme has given over 2000 children with the poorest eye-sight a pair of glasses.
While our colleagues in Uganda coordinate the clinics and run the eye tests, behind the scenes Will and friends make up the glasses for free.

Once the lenses arrive, they’re checked to make sure the power is correct & then marked up to ensure the optical centre of the lens is positioned at the correct angle. Almost all of the frames used are end of line frames donated by manufacturers or recycled frames collected at opticians, churches, a mosque and a school.

Debbie (Will’s wife) and Susie (a family friend) sort through all the donated frames and then its on to fitting the lenses to ensure they are positioned correctly. It takes around half an hour to cut and fit the lenses on every pair of glasses and maybe another 20 minutes to download the prescriptions, select frame, design the lenses then, finally the glasses are cleaned and wrapped up ready to be sent to Uganda!

Group 2918

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