
Success Stories

Joseph's bowel surgery has been a success






4-yr-old Joseph has recovered well from major surgery.

Anorectal malformation is a serious bowel condition affecting a child’s ability to have proper bowel movement.  The first part of the operation is a posterior sagittal anorectoplasty (PSARP) - a reconstructive  surgery where the surgeon creates the anus within the sphincter muscle.  This is highly skilled surgery.  

Joseph was then fitted with a colostomy bag to give him time to heal. 

The second part of the surgery, once the has recovered from the install operation  is a colostomy closure to remove the colostomy bag and close the wound. 

This condition is a really important operation for us to fund.  Having a colostomy presents huge hygiene challenges and it's hard to source the expensive colostomy bags.

The operation also requires highly specialised skills and there are very few surgeons who can do perform this operation. We are so lucky that Dr. Sekabira, the first person to perform such surgery in Uganda, is part of our team.  Dr Sekabira has subsequently trained other surgeons to now perform this operation.

Donation's from our XNRG fundraiser covered all the costs of the actual surgery, medical supplies, hospital stay and post-op care.